Ron Sieger, Certified Sofer STaM, is based in Los Angeles, California, and has been serving the local community since 1988.
Though he was born in Denver, Colorado, Ron Sieger moved to Los Angeles with his family at a very young age. He began his academic carrier at Yavneh Hebrew Academy, and from there, he went to Rambam Torah Institute, then to YULA High School. For his last year of high school, Ron traveled to Israel to learn at Yeshiva-- he loved it so much, he stayed in Israel the following year. He, then, decided to move back to Los Angeles to resume his studies at Yeshiva University of Los Angeles' Beis Medrash, where he earned a Bachelors Degree in Jewish Studies.
Ron's illustrious career began when he worked for a local Sofer. For over a year, he honed his craft as a scribe, and he was so inspired by the Holy work of STaM that he returned to Israel to get his Smicha as a Sofer. Then, he succeeded in passing the written test given by the Vaad L'Mishmeres Stam, which requires at least a 90% grade to pass. He also earned an additional certification as a Sofer and Ba'al Magiah from certified STaM examiner Rabbi Yaakov Siegel of Beit E-l, Israel.
Since 1989, Ron has been the Sofer of choice for many Shuls and schools in the Los Angeles Jewish community. He also has served as a Torah scribe for many communities beyond Los Angeles, including Canada, San Diego, San Francisco-Oakland, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, and Nebraska. Additionally, as a Jewish expert in Torah and Sofer practices, Ron has been a consultant for various movie and television projects.